Accommodation info: +36 20/338 0800 E-mail:
Aranyszarvas Panzió



Company name: Liget Cafe Kft.

Registered office: Erzsébet liget, Szarvas 5540

Accommodation address: Aranyszarvas Guesthouse, Restaurant, and Grill Terrace, Arborétum Road 24/B, Szarvas 5540, hereinafter referred to as Service Provider

Company registration number: 04-09-016149

Tax number: 22769024-2-04

2.1. These "General Terms and Conditions" regulate the use of the Service Provider's accommodation and its services.

2.2. Special, unique conditions do not form part of the published General Terms and Conditions (available at, but they do not preclude the conclusion of separate agreements with travel agents, organizers, with different conditions according to the type of business.

3.1. The services provided by the Service Provider are used by the Guest.

3.2. If the Guest directly places an order for services with the Service Provider, the Guest is the Contracting Party. Upon fulfillment of the conditions, the Service Provider and the Guest together become contractual parties (hereinafter referred to as Parties).

3.3. If a third party (hereinafter referred to as Mediator) places an order for services on behalf of the Guest, the terms of cooperation are governed by the contract concluded between the Service Provider and the Mediator. In this case, the Service Provider is not obliged to verify whether the third party legally represents the Guest.

4.1. Upon a verbal or written (email) request for an offer from the Guest, the Service Provider sends a written offer. The offer does not constitute a reservation, and the Parties cannot make claims against each other.

4.2. The Contract is concluded with the written confirmation by the Service Provider of the reservation made by the Guest either in writing or through an online booking system, thus constituting a written contract.

Verbal reservations, agreements, modifications, or verbal confirmations by the Service Provider or the Guest cannot be considered contracts.

4.3. The Contract for the provision of accommodation services (Confirmation) is valid for a specified period.

4.3.1. If the Guest uses the service for a shorter period than specified, the Service Provider is entitled to the full consideration specified in the Contract, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. The Service Provider is entitled to resell the room vacated before the expiration date.

4.3.2. Prior approval from the Service Provider is required for any extension of the accommodation service initiated by the Guest. In this case, the Service Provider may stipulate reimbursement of the consideration for services already rendered.

4.4. Any modification and/or supplement to the Contract requires a written agreement signed by the Parties.

4.5. Reservations are only accepted from persons aged 18 and above.

4.6. The Guest is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the reservation. If the Guest is unreachable at the provided phone number or email address, Aranyszarvas Panzió is entitled to cancel the reservation.

4.7. When making a reservation via email, the following information is required: name, address, phone number, number of guests, date of arrival, length of stay, desired type of apartment (upstairs, ground floor apartment, accessible apartment, shower, corner bathtub with Jacuzzi).

5.1. The room rates for the guesthouse are posted on the online booking platform and at the guesthouse reception. Price lists for other services are available in the respective departments (restaurant, equipment rental).

5.2. The Service Provider may change its advertised prices freely without prior notice.

5.3. When announcing prices, the Service Provider indicates the applicable tax rates (VAT, tourist tax) at the time of the offer, regulated by law. In the event of additional costs due to changes in the current tax law (VAT, tourist tax), the Service Provider, with prior notice, passes them on to the Contracting Party.

5.4. Current discounts, promotions, and other offers are advertised on the website

6.1. The Service Provider provides information about current family or other discounts on its website as indicated in section 5.4.

7.1. The Service Provider requires payment for the services provided to the Contracting Party no later than upon use of the services, before departure from the guesthouse. However, the Service Provider may allow for post-payment under a specific agreement. The Service Provider is entitled to issue a partial invoice for the services provided.

7.2. The Service Provider requires a deposit for every booking received, within 10 days of the reservation, amounting to 30% of the ordered services, but may specify a different amount up to the total consideration for the services.

7.3. The Contracting Party may settle their invoice:

a) in cash/by credit card/SZÉP card at the guesthouse reception (HUF), the current list of which is provided by the Service Provider upon request by the Guest.

b) by credit card during the booking process (immediate payment)

c) by bank transfer

d) via SZÉP CARD online payment platforms

8.1. Individual Guests can occupy apartments from 15:00 on the day of arrival (Check-in) until 10:00 on the day of departure (Check-out).

The Parties may agree otherwise.

8.2. Aranyszarvas Panzió holds the accommodation until 20:00 on the day of arrival, after which it is entitled to resell it. If there are any different requirements, inquiries can be made via email or phone.

8.3. The Guest must check the presence, condition, and functionality of the equipment and items listed in the inventory upon occupying the apartment and report any discrepancies or deficiencies to the reception.

8.4. The replacement fee for the apartment key card is HUF 10,000/card. Upon check-out, please return the apartment key card to the receptionist.

8.5. Cancellation conditions:

Cancellation without penalty is possible 30 days before arrival.
In case of cancellation between 30 and 15 days before arrival, 30% of the ordered service is charged.
In case of cancellation from the 14th day before arrival, 50% of the ordered service is charged.
From 7:00 am on the day before arrival, the full price of the ordered service must be paid as a penalty.
Cancellation is accepted only in writing.

9.1. Pets can only be brought into the Comfort-named apartment houses of the Service Provider's accommodations. Pets can be kept in the apartments under the supervision of the Guest. Dogs and cats are considered pets by default. Bringing in pets other than these requires separate agreement with the guesthouse.

9.2. The Service Provider is entitled to charge an additional fee for the accommodation of pets.

9.3. The Service Provider is entitled to request a deposit from the guest upon arrival for any damages caused by the pet in the houses or their equipment. If no damage occurs, the Service Provider is obliged to refund the deposit to the Guest. The Guest is fully responsible for damages caused by the pet.

9.4. The condition for bringing in and keeping pets on the premises of the guesthouse is that the owners accept the relevant regulations. The regulations can be found in the apartments.

10.1. The Service Provider is entitled to terminate the Contract for accommodation services with immediate effect, thus refusing to provide the services if:

a) the Guest does not comply with the House Rules

b) the Guest uses the provided room or facility improperly

c) the Guest behaves objectionably, aggressively towards the security, order, or employees of the accommodation, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or displays threatening behavior

d) the Guest is suffering from a contagious disease

e) the Contracting Party fails to meet the specified deadline for the advance payment or partial payment obligation specified in the Contract

10.2. If the Contract between the parties is not fulfilled due to "force majeure" reasons, the contract is terminated.

11.1. If the Guesthouse is unable to provide the services specified in the Contract due to its own fault (e.g., overbooking, temporary operational problems, etc.), the Service Provider is obliged to immediately arrange accommodation for the Guest.

11.2. The Service Provider is obliged to:

a) provide/offer the services specified in the Contract at the confirmed price for the specified period or until the obstruction is removed at another accommodation of the same or higher category. The Service Provider bears all additional costs of providing alternative accommodation.

b) provide the Guest with one free telephone call opportunity to inform about the change of accommodation

c) provide free transfer to the offered alternative accommodation for the Guest to move in, and for any subsequent return

11.3. If the Service Provider fully complies with these obligations or if the Guest accepts the offered alternative accommodation, the Contracting Party cannot claim compensation retroactively.

12.1. If the Guest becomes ill during the period of using the accommodation service and is unable to act in his/her own interest, the Service Provider offers medical assistance.

12.2. In case of illness/death of the Guest, the Service Provider does not claim compensation for costs from the relatives, heirs, or the payer of the invoice.

13.1. According to the Contract, the Guest is entitled to use the ordered room and the associated services with compliance with the house rules. The guest is also entitled to the intended use of other facilities of the guesthouse (pools) with compliance with the rules posted there. The Guest is entitled to use other services upon payment of the prices listed in the separate price list.

13.2. The Guest may file a complaint regarding the provision of services by the Service Provider during their stay at the accommodation. The guest's complaint can be entered in the Guestbook or the Guest may request the Service Provider to draw up a protocol. The Service Provider is obliged to investigate the complaint.

14.1. The Contracting Party is obliged to settle the consideration for the services ordered in the Contract and actually used (restaurant consumption, wellness, etc.) upon the provision of the service, or at the latest upon departure from the guesthouse (check out), unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

14.2. The Guest ensures that any child under the age of 14 under their responsibility stays in the guesthouse and its entire area only under adult supervision.

14.3. The Guest may not bring their own food and drink into the guesthouse catering units.

14.4. The Guest may not bring flammable devices into the guesthouse and may not smoke in the indoor areas.

14.5. If the Guest uses the wellness services, they are obliged to comply with the facility's house rules. The house rules are posted at the reception.

14.6. Upon occupancy or in advance, please fill out the registration form via the ALFRÉD application, which includes the following information:

name, address, place and date of birth, passport or ID card number, name and place of birth and date of children
vehicle registration number
date of arrival and departure
email address
declaration of financial liability
According to the amendment of Act CLVI of 2016, from September 1, 2021, every accommodation service provider is required to record general personal data using a document reader for each guest using the accommodation service. In case of absence of the document presentation, the accommodation service provider refuses to provide the accommodation service. Further detailed information can be found here:

Regardless of the registration form, the guest is financially liable for damages caused by them

The Guest shall be liable for all damages and disadvantages suffered by the Service Provider or third parties as a result of errors committed by the Guest, their companions, or other persons under their responsibility. This liability exists even if the injured party is entitled to claim compensation directly from the Service Provider.

The Service Provider shall:

a) fulfill the accommodation and other services ordered based on the Contract according to valid regulations and service standards.

b) investigate the written complaint of the guest and take necessary steps to address the issue, which it must record in writing.

17.1. The Service Provider assumes responsibility for all damages incurred by the Guest within its facilities, resulting from errors of the Service Provider or its employees.

17.2. The liability of the Service Provider does not extend to events of damage caused by unforeseeable reasons beyond the control of the Service Provider's employees and guests, or those caused directly by the guest.

17.3. The Service Provider may designate areas in the guesthouse where guests are not allowed. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damage or injury occurring in such areas.

17.4. The Guest is obligated to immediately report any damage to the Guesthouse and provide all necessary information to clarify the circumstances of the incident, including any required police reports or procedures.

17.5. The replacement fee for the apartment card is 10,000 HUF/card. Upon check-out, please hand over the apartment card to the receptionist.

Any circumstance (e.g., war, fire, flood, adverse weather conditions, power outage, strike) beyond the control of either party (force majeure) exempts both parties from the obligation to fulfill their obligations under the Contract for as long as such circumstance persists. The parties agree to take all possible measures to minimize the occurrence of such events and promptly remedy any resulting damage or delay.

The relationship between the Service Provider and the Contracting Party is governed by the provisions of the Hungarian Civil Code. Any legal dispute arising from the service contract shall be resolved by the court having jurisdiction over the location of the service, depending on the value, the Békés County Court may have jurisdiction

Complaint Handling:
Please contact our customer service with your complaint or observation using one of the following contact methods:
• In person:
• By mail:
• By phone:
• By email:

What are conciliation bords?
Conciliation bords are responsible for settling consumer disputes outside of court proceedings. The role of the conciliation bord is to attempt to reach an agreement between the parties to resolve the consumer dispute, and in case of failure, to make a decision in order to ensure the simple, fast, efficient, and cost-effective enforcement of consumer rights. Upon request of the consumer or the business, the conciliation bord provides advice regarding the rights of the consumer and the obligations imposed on the consumer.

How does the procedure before the conciliation bords commence?
The consumer may file a consumer complaint against Liget Cafe Kft. If the consumer complaint is rejected by Liget Cafe Kft., the consumer is entitled to turn to the Conciliation Bord competent for their place of residence or habitual residence: the initiation of the conciliation body procedure requires that the consumer attempts to settle the dispute directly with Liget Cafe Kft. The procedure – based on the consumer's request – shall be initiated by the conciliation body designated in the consumer's request instead of the competent bord.

The obligation of Liget Cafe Kft. to provide information
In case of rejecting the complaint, Liget Cafe Kft. is obliged to inform the consumer in writing about the authority or conciliation bord whose procedure can be initiated depending on the nature of the complaint. The information must also include the headquarters, telephone and internet contact details, as well as the mailing address of the competent authority or the conciliation body for the consumer's place of residence or habitual residence. The information must also cover whether the business will use the conciliation bord procedure to settle the consumer dispute.

If the headquarters or premises of Liget Cafe Kft. are not registered in the county where the conciliation body operating the competent chamber is located, Liget Cafe Kft.'s obligation to cooperate extends to offering the possibility of concluding a written agreement corresponding to the consumer's request.

Conciliation bords and their contact information:
More information about Conciliation Bords is available here:
More information about Conciliation Bords competent for specific areas is available here:
Contact information for individual Conciliation Bords competent for specific areas:

Baranya Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 7625 Pécs, Majorossy I. u. 36.
Telefonszám: 06-72-507-154
Fax: 06-72-507-152

Bács-Kiskun Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 6000 Kecskemét, Árpád krt. 4.
Telefonszám: 06-76-501-500; 06-76-501-525, 06-76-501-523
Fax: 06-76-501-538

Békés Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 5600 Békéscsaba, Penza ltp. 5.
Telefonszám: 06-66-324-976
Fax: 06-66-324-976

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1.
Fax: 06-46-501-099

Budapesti Békéltető Testület
Cím: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99. III. em. 310.
Telefonszám: 06-1-488-2131
Fax: 06-1-488-2186

Csongrád Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 6721 Szeged, Párizsi krt. 8-12.
Telefonszám: 06-62-554-250/118
Fax: 06-62-426-149

Fejér Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Hosszúsétatér 4-6.
Fax: 06-22-510-312

Győr-Moson-Sopron Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 9021 Győr, Szent István út 10/a.
Telefonszám: 06-96-520-217
Fax: 06-96-520-218

Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 4025 Debrecen, Vörösmarty u. 13-15.
Telefonszám: 06-52-500-710
Fax: 06-52-500-720

Heves Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 3300 Eger, Faiskola út 15.
Telefonszám: 06-36-429-612
Fax: 06-36-323-615

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 5000 Szolnok, Verseghy park 8. III. emelet 305-306.
Telefonszám: 06-56-510-621, 06-20-373-2570
Fax: 06-56-510-628

Komárom-Esztergom Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 36.
Telefonszám: 06-34-513-027
Fax: 06-34-316-259

Nógrád Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 3100 Salgótarján, Alkotmány út 9/A.
Telefonszám: 06-32-520-860
Fax: 06-32-520-862

Pest Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 1055 Budapest, Kossuth Lajos tér 6-8. III. emelet 331.
Telefonszám: 06-1-269-0703
Fax: 06-1-474-7921

Somogy Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 7400 Kaposvár, Anna u.6.
Telefonszám: 06-82-501-026
Fax: 06-82-501-046

Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2.
Telefonszám: 06-42-311-544
Fax: 06-42-311-750

Tolna Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 7100 Szekszárd, Arany J. u. 23-25. III. emelet
Telefonszám: 06-74-411-661
Fax: 06-74-411-456

Vas Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 9700 Szombathely, Honvéd tér 2.
Telefonszám: 06-94-312-356
Fax: 06-94-316-936

Veszprém Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 8200 Veszprém, Radnóti tér 1. földszint 116.
Telefonszám: 06-88-429-008
Fax: 06-88-412-150

Zala Megyei Békéltető Testület
Cím: 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Petőfi u. 24.
Telefonszám: 06-92-550-513
Fax: 06-92-550-525

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